Why Choose us?
Testar Electronics Corporation was established in 2007, engaged in Optoelectronic Testing (LED, Photodiode, VCSEL) and Semiconductor testing, main OEM services are Chip Probing / IC Functional Testing / Die Sorting (Wafer Reconstruction) / Visual inspection / BURN-IN.
Years of dedicated OEM experience supported by Chroma Group and customized integrated services with advanced automation system are the key elements that make Testar a reliable partner and the best choice to customers.
晶測電子為設備大廠致茂電子於2007年成立的專業測試代工廠,提供光電芯片(LED, Photodiode, VCSEL)與半導體芯片測試服務,主要提供晶片針測/IC測試/挑揀分選/目檢與燒測(Burn-In)服務。多年的專業代工經驗結合致茂集團資源,以先進的自動化檢測系統為客戶提供多樣化的整合服務,是晶測電子成為國際大廠合作夥伴的重要關鍵,也是主要的競爭優勢。
Years of dedicated OEM experience supported by Chroma Group and customized integrated services with advanced automation system are the key elements that make Testar a reliable partner and the best choice to customers.
晶測電子為設備大廠致茂電子於2007年成立的專業測試代工廠,提供光電芯片(LED, Photodiode, VCSEL)與半導體芯片測試服務,主要提供晶片針測/IC測試/挑揀分選/目檢與燒測(Burn-In)服務。多年的專業代工經驗結合致茂集團資源,以先進的自動化檢測系統為客戶提供多樣化的整合服務,是晶測電子成為國際大廠合作夥伴的重要關鍵,也是主要的競爭優勢。
Resource Support
Chroma Group’s Resource Support
Smart Factory
MES System
Test Service customized
Professional Ability
Experienced Engineers and Technicians